From "I'm Every Woman" collection, this painting had no reference photo and I painted it purely from my imagination. Those are the most fun ones. You wake up one morning with a crystal clear vision of the painting in your head, and then you try to recreate it in the 3D world! Sometimes the results are a disaster, sometime they meet expectations, and sometimes they are masterpieces.
So, without further philosophical ado, here is a short video of how I had painted the brunette braid with highlights and depth on one of the Walk-down-the-Aisle series brides.
Some Tips to try:
Outline the basic shape of the braid.
Fill in with lightest shade that you want.
Keep going one shade darker in different areas. Please note that there are shadows where the braid twists, and highlights where light falls on it. Possibly work from a reference photo to begin with.
The final artwork is subtle yet colorful. The artwork has motion and grace, and instantly reminds us of immenseness of the idea behind the wedding ritual - the joy, the future, the promise!
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